The Chamber of Commerce and Employers' Association Winterthur HAW as the regional representation of economiesuisse and the Swiss Employers' Association represents the interests of SMEs and large companies. It is committed to a dynamic, responsible development of the Winterthur region, certifies certificates of origin and exhibits ATA Carnet. HAW deals with the economic and operational concerns of our members.
The HAW maintains a close exchange with the House of Winterthur, in which it provides a member of the Executive Board and is represented in the Business and Meetings Committee. The organization deals with location promotion, business promotion and tourism marketing for the city and region of Winterthur.
The TECHNOPARK® Winterthur is an independent joint-stock company with the aim to strengthen the attractiveness of Winterthur as a business location and to create jobs in the region. The mix of shareholders from city, canton and economy is a good example of a successful public-private partnership. HAW is a founding shareholder and provides a board member.
The association Winterthur: agil-mobil aims to increase the attractiveness of the Winterthur site by a forward-looking transport policy. HAW is a founding member.
The Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Association Winterthur (HAW) emerged in 1992 from the merger of the Kaufmännische Gesellschaft Handelskammer Winterthur and the employers' association Winterthur. Their roots go back to the year 1801. HAW influenced the economic development of the city of Winterthur since centuries and still makes its contribution for Winterthur as a business location with well-developed infrastructure.
[fa icon="phone"] 052 213 07 63
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Certificate of origin
[fa icon="phone"] 052 213 07 62
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[fa icon="home"] HAW
Turnerstrasse 1
P.O. Box
CH-8401 Winterthur